Hofu Tenman-gu Shrine
Worshipped as the god of scholarship, Sugawara no Michizane is enshrined here. Hofu Tenman-gu Shrine was Japan's first Tenman-gu Shrine (which are shrines dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane) and is counted as one Japan's Three Great Tenjin Shrines.
The shrine is bustling with people all year, with many young people coming to purchase writing brushes or good luck charms for tests.
The shrine is bustling with people all year, with many young people coming to purchase writing brushes or good luck charms for tests.
More Information about Hofu Tenman-gu Shrine
Street address
- 14-1 Matsuzakicho, Hofu City, Yamaguchi
- From JR Hofu Station, take a Bocho Bus (about 5 minutes.); get off at "Hofu Tenmangu"
Opening Hours
- Gates are open from 6:00-20:00
- Open all year
Best season
- All year
- Western Japan’s wildest festival, the Gojinko Festival, takes place on the fourth Saturday of November.
Watching thousands of participants clad in fetching white traditional costumes parade through the streets is a magnificent sight to behold.
update: Sep.3.2024

Spots around
Kintaikyo Bridge
Iwakuni Art Museum with Kashiwabara Collection
Nagato Yumoto Onsen
World Heritage Sites: Hagi Castle Town and the Shokasonjuku Academy
Yuda Onsen
National Treasure Ruriko-ji Five Storey Pagoda
Yamaguchi Ube Airport
Akiyoshidai Plateau/Akiyoshido Cave
Motonosumi Shrine
Karato Market
Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport
Iwakuni Castle
Akama Shrine
Yanai Nishigura/goldfish lantern experience
Tsunoshima Ohashi Bridge
Rental Kimonos at Saikoutei
Tokiwa Park
Shunan Industrial Night Scenery
Hagi Uragami Museum
Hagi Castle Town and Hagi Meirin Gakusha, school house