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Monet's Garden Marmottan in Kitagawa Village

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A recreation of the garden built by the impressionist master Claude Monet, which he originally made in Giverny as a place to paint his works, in the natural environment of Kochi. Around 100,000 flowers have been planted in the approximate 30,000 square meter land, so you can enjoy beautiful scenery in all four seasons. From late June to late October, you can admire the blue water lilies that Monet saw in his dreams.

More Information about Monet's Garden Marmottan in Kitagawa Village

Street address

1100 Notomo Ko, Kitagawa-mura, Aki-gun, Kochi


  • Around 10 minutes by the Kitagawa-mura Bus from Nahari Station on the Tosa Kuroshio Railway Gomen-Nahari Line. Get off at Monet no Niwa bus stop, and it is right there.

Opening Hours

9:00–17:00 (last entrance at 16:30)


First Wednesday from June - October
Closed for maintenance during the winter period: December to end of February.


Best season

Mar., Apr., May, Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct., Nov.


From mid-July to September, the Blue Bee, which is said to bring happiness, are flying around the garden. You can enjoy the beauty of the four seasons, as well as events held each season, such as a candle-light illumination and flower pressing classes.
update: Sep.3.2024

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