Vine Bridges of Iya Valley
“Iya no Kazurabashi,” known as one of Japan’s three largest strange bridges, is made by weaving together five tons of vines, which are replaced every three years. The bridge is full of thrills, creaking and shaking with every step you take. The bridge, which is 45 meters long, two meters wide and 14 meters above the water, is designated as an important tangible folk cultural property by the state.
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SCENIC BEAUTYMore Information about Vine Bridges of Iya Valley
Street address
- 162-2 Zentoku Nishiiyayamason, Miyoshi-shi, Tokushima Prefecture
- Get off at Kazurabashi bus stop, several minutes by foot
Opening Hours
- April – June: 8:00-18:00
July – August: 7:30-18:30
September – March: 8:00-17:00
- Open all year
Best season
- All year
- It is said to have been originally built by the Heike samurai clan with vines so that it could be cut to allow them to flee from their pursuers.
update: Sep.3.2024
Spots around
Oku-Iya Double Vine Bridges
Awa Odori Kaikan
Naruto Whirlpools
Ochiai Village
Awa Odori Dance Festival
Hyotanjima Cruise
Ryozenji Temple, the First Temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage
Awa Jurobe Yashiki (Puppet Theater and Museum)
Tokushima Awaodori Airport
Indigo Dying at Ai no Yakata
Hiwasa Hachiman Shrine Autumn Festival
Yakuoji Temple
Tairyuji Ropeway
Otsuka Museum of Art
Oboke and Koboke Gorges (Oboke Gorges Excursion Boat)